
Operation Clean Government (OCG) is a statewide group in Rhode Island that is dedicated to promoting honest, responsible, and responsive state government. OCG believes that our state elected and appointed officials should be accountable to all the people whom they serve. OCG believes that a healthy democracy can only be insured when there is transparency in government and all citizens have full access to their government. OCG advocates strong democratic laws and institutions that will give the public confidence that policies are fairly debated and decided on their merits, and that our common resources are used responsibly in the public interest.
OCG is a 501(C)4 non-profit organization, with over 2,000 members, having formed in 1993, when several smaller citizens groups merged. One of the major issues at that time was the Rhode Island banking crisis, when large and politically connected borrowers defaulted on loans, freezing billions of dollars of small depositor accounts and catalyzing citizen outrage.
OCG is an all-volunteer, grassroots organization, with the following officers and directors:
President: Margaret Kane, Barrington
1st Vice President: Jeff Techentin, North Kingstown
2nd Vice President: Frank Lennon, Providence
Treasurer: Robert Haiken, Warwick
Recording Secretary: Matt Leonard, North Kingstown
Board of Directors
Wilfred Barbeau, Barrington
Arthur "Chuck" Barton, East Greenwich
Robert “AL” Benson, Saunderstown
Nolan Byrne, Cranston
John Carlevale, West Greenwich
John J. Clarke, Jr., West Warwick
Peter Fogarty, Greenville
Robert Haiken, Warwick
Margaret Kane, Barrington
Frank Lennon, Providence
Matt Leonard, North Kingstown
Frank Lombardo, West Warwick James McGwin, North Kingstown
Sandy Riojas, Providence
Barry Schiller, North Providence
Marie Sorman, Cranston
June Spink, North Kingstown
Sandra Thompson, E. Greenwich
Jeffrey Techentin, N. Kingstown
Monthly Board Meetings
Operation Clean Government conducts its monthly Board of Directors meetings on the first Thursday of each month (excluding July) at 6:45 PM. Board meetings are open to all OCG members and the public. The meetings are held at:
St. Patrick's Church
2068 Cranston St.
Cranston, RI