Operation Clean Government (OCG) is a group dedicated to promoting honest, responsible, and responsive state government in Rhode Island. We need your help to advance our mission and change the practice of politics in the Ocean State.

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Help Shape RI’s Future

Thoughtful observers tell us that the ‘deep root’ of Rhode Island’s fabled corruption is citizen apathy. Isn’t that you and me? Are we allowing the precious gift of democracy to wither away by treating it like a spectator sport? Good government is a participation activity. You can join the adults who volunteer to make Operation Clean Government an effective government watchdog group.

More hands and minds are needed to work on research, mailings, membership, attend legislative hearings, and monitor Board and Commission meetings. You’ll find volunteering very satisfying, you’ll meet great new friends, and you will really find out what’s going on in this state! Come join us!

Become an OCG Volunteer TODAY!

  First Name*  
  Last Name*  
  Street Address*  
  I am willing to help in these ways*   Do telephone work
Help with mailings
Assist in organizing events
Write letters and emails
Testify at the State House
Speak up at public meetings
Serve on OCG committees

Membership- building
State of the State TV program

  The best way to contact me is*  

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